2018 Vision Board

I have always been goal oriented. An array of computers, cellphones, notebooks and sticky-notes list my “goals” and “to-do’s.” Some of these have been accomplished while others remain untouched, as evidence of my failed ambitions. I tend to be ambitious, but never follow through. A few nights ago I contemplated how I could change this. My thoughts MUST align with my feelings which MUST align with my actions. Let me explain…

My Thoughts = Those goals and aspirations I think about and strive to accomplish.
My Feelings = I must FEEL these goals already inside of me. If I have a goal to be fit (which I do), I have to already feel myself as a fit person. Any insecurities I have about my body will negatively affect my progress. To succeed, I must already envision my body as one that is fit.
My Actions = This is self-explanatory. I think and I feel and all that is left is to perform my goals.

The first bit of 2018 was an unsteady journey. I have been in an unmotivated and depressed slump ever since I returned from California back in December. My dark moments only put my life into a greater perspective. I created my Vision Board to realign my motivations and ambitions.

The way you think creates your reality for you. Most of my past goals were passive. “This year I will…” is a problematic statement. Using positive AND present affirmations is the only way to ensure that your goals will become a reality. Here are mine:

2018 Vision Board_118

This year:
I am my most authentic self
I am building an empire #GirlBoss #BossBitch
I am whole
I am fit
I am moving to New York
I am going to Morocco
I am going to Greece
I am a Vlogger
I am a writer

My daily positive affirmations (my thoughts, feelings, and actions) and the visual representation of my vision board will ensure the success of my ambitions. NONE of these visions have been accomplished yet. No plane tickets have been purchased, no jobs have been landed, no condos have been rented, and no entrepreneurship has begun. But, I am driven and I am attracting these positive experiences and opportunities into my life.  At my Reiki healing treatment yesterday, my Reiki master and friend confirmed that my spirit guides acknowledged that many of these goals will be accomplished.

What is one goal or opportunity you desperately want to accomplish and/or attract this year? How can you alter your thoughts and feelings to attract the best and most rewarding experiences your way?

2018 is going to be a big year for me. I can’t wait to share my stories with you!

Linnea Nilsson: Sweden to Sacramento

Linnea Nilsson was a Health Science student at the California State University, Sacramento. Interview and photos are conducted and taken by yours truly. On a side note, Linnea was the first person I met in California. We later became roommates. She was truly an essential part of my exchange. 

Why did you decide to do exchange at Sac State?
I wanted to do my exchange in the USA to experience new cultures, especially the American culture. So, I applied for five different universities in the US, and Sac State is the one I got. My major is health science, and Sac State has a big department for that, which gave me opportunities to take interesting classes in my field.

What was your favourite thing that you learned about American culture?
I liked that the Americans are very open (compared to the Swedish culture). They talk a lot and say what’s on their minds. If you’re on the bus, or in an elevator, there’s always someone who says hi and smiles at you, which I appreciate a lot since we don’t really do that in Sweden.

I also got to know that the Americans are very engaged in stuff, such as sports and events. I really enjoyed when everyone went to a game a supported our team together. And there is such a good atmosphere. At games at home, there are often fights between the supporters. But at the games I went to in California, people were cheerful and happy.

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What is your favourite memory from exchange?
It’s really hard to pick only one favorite memory, because I got a lot. But one of them is definitely going to Hollywood for Thanksgiving with my sister and some of my new-found friends from all over the world. We went shopping on Black Friday, spent time on the beach at Santa Monica and had a great thanks giving dinner that ended with a night at a really nice Mexican bar. It was the perfect weekend.

What is one thing about Sweden that you missed while you were on exchange?
The thing I missed the most was actually Swedish coffee (I think everyone knew that lol). I’m used to drinking very dark and strong coffee, which is not usual in the US. So I often made my own coffee or ordered with extra espresso shots at cafes.
I thought I would miss my family and friends more, but since my family came visit and I Facetimed with them and my friends, it wasn’t that bad.

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What destination do you want to travel to next?
My next travel will be to Hawaii and hopefully New Zeeland. I’m going to apply for an internship at a health care center in Hawaii, but if I don’t get it I will go there on vacation. Me and two other friends went there a few days before Christmas last year, and I fell in love with it. The people, the climate, everything. So, I felt that it wasn’t enough with only five days there and therefore, I’m going there after my graduation. And after Hawaii (depending on the internship), I think I’m going to New Zeeland to visit my friend who’s going to be an au pair there. I have never been there before, but it looks amazing so I would really like to explore it.

Glossier Haul

This is not a sponsored post.

I have never written a product review before. For the amount of beauty, fashion, and lifestyle products I purchase and consume, it is fairly odd that this is my first review.

It was only a few months ago when I realized Glossier was a cult beauty brand favourite. Having not-so-flawless skin, the “natural” makeup and skincare look associated with Glossier products never really appealed to me UNTIL… the Exfoliating Skin Perfector Solution was released. My face literally houses acne scars from over three years ago. So when I heard that Glossier created a $30.00 (so cheap) acne and scar exfoliator, I absolutely had to try it.

Being a slave to consumerism, I placed an order for not one, but four Glossier products. The Exfoliating Skin Perfector Solution, Cloud Paint in Dusk, Milky Jelly Cleanser, and Lip Gloss. Descriptions of the products will be kept to a minimal (you can read full descriptions on the Glossier website). Instead, I will include the initial reactions I had when trying my new products.

The Packaging

Processed with VSCO with s3 presetEfff-ya, I am such a sucker for cute packaging. Even before opening the box, Glossier won me over with that cheesy smiling face on the tape. Is it just me, or does that smile have four eyes? Damn, they are good.

Processed with VSCO with s3 presetNo way! They gave me stickers. I adore stickers. Before I even opened my package, I was brainstorming where I wanted to put my stickers. On the walls, in my grade 1 sticker book, in my travel journal, on my dog…

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The Products

Processed with VSCO with s3 presetThis face wash feels like every other cleanser I have used, but at the same time completely different. This contradictory conclusion leaves me (and probably all of you) very confused. If I could describe the texture, it basically felt like I was rubbing a milk cleanser on my face. I guess that is why they call it the “milk jelly cleanser.” If there was a milk-type greater than 3%, this would be it. Unlike other cleansers I have used in the past, this one didn’t leave my face feeling stiff, tight and/or statue-like once I was done.

Processed with VSCO with s3 presetOW it f%&$#?@ burns. This solution feels like rubbing alcohol is burning through my face. I keep looking at myself in the mirror to see if my skin is still there. To give this product some credit, the website does state that it “sloughs dead cells away.” This is definitely accurate advertising. After one use my pimples are still prevalent – I wasn’t expecting them dissolve instantly though. My skin does feel refreshed!

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This lipgloss encompasses everything an OG lipgloss does. That illuminating clear shine sparkles off my lips. As Snoop Dogg would say, it is sticky icky icky (even though he was talking about something else lol). I’m going through a Y2K lipgloss phase, so this gloss receives an A+++ from me.

The cloud paint is a lot more liquid-y than I expected. Maybe “gel cream” formula means something different to me than it does to Glossier. Personally, I anticipated a cream formula. Instead, this is very watery. The colour dusk blends in well with my olive-skin tone. If I had clear skin, I think this cloud paint would look a lot better on me.

My dog-son and I are pleased with our purchases.


Disclosure: I personally believe that mental health awareness should not be restricted to one day a year. I wrote this after finding out about recent suicides on my university campus. I thought today was an appropriate day to share.
Check out my acknowledgement of my own mental health here

I always wanted to be strong.

Imagine, 5’2″ me, the strongest woman in the world. I could build bridges, end wars, encourage world peace. I can bring diverse populations together. No more hunger; no more pain.

I can do this all because I am strong. My physical body would pave the way for the toughest journeys I would face. My fierce mentality would push me towards my goals. I would never give up.

I am strong.

But, this is all a fantasy.

When I experience my darkest episodes of depression and anxiety, I feel so weak. Like my physical body is burning away into a pile of ashes that will be blown into disappearance. Everyone will forget me. My soul feels unworthy. It feels like the runt of the litter. The worthless one.

How can someone so weak ever dream about being so strong?

And that is what mental illnesses can do to you. After hearing about a recent suicide at my university, I let out a huge sigh. Another individual, like me, suffering from a mental illness was taken way too soon.

Whenever I hear about suicides I shiver at the reality of it. That COULD have been me. I am beyond happy right now. Haven’t experienced an episode of depression or anxiety in months. But, I have been there. And for all I know, I might experience that again someday.

I am strong. Not because of my muscle mass or mental ability to retain information. I am strong because of the power I have to fight back against the darkness in my life. This is a strength that not everyone has. BUT, this is a strength that we all should be encouraging in one another.

A lot of my strength has been internally founded. I have discovered ways to overcome my episodes. Yes, I am strong. But, some of this strength was formulated through the positive energy around me.

A simple smile I received from a stranger; A “how are you text” from a friend I hadn’t spoken to in a while; A quick and quiet stroll in the park with a good friend.

These little events are what made me strong. On the exterior, I appear unbreakable. On the inside, my soul would weep in pain. This is a feeling I hope to never experience again, but this is a feeling I know so many individuals are familiar with.

Before you decide to bully someone (like seriously grow up if you still do this), purposely avoid eye contact with a stranger, or send any other form of negative vibes their way, please consider what these people might be going through.

Sometimes the people with the STRONGEST exteriors are in the deepest pain. Remember this.

In Malibu

The skies were not so blue the day I visited Malibu.

I giggle whenever I reminisce on my Malibu adventure. A newbie traveller, completely unaware that Malibu is its own city. Wait Malibu isn’t a beach along the LA coast? My mind was blown learning the ever so basic Greater Los Angeles area geography.

I was staying at a Santa Monica hotel and Malibu was a bucket-list destination for me. I assumed putting “Malibu” into my GPS would be a suffice method to get to the beach. I later found out there are multiple beaches in the city of Malibu. Yikes!

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Pre-Malibu picture. I’m devouring a Nutella cannoli from Carlo’s bakery. Damn, that pastry was so freakin’ delicious.

Malibu Pier

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After a 30 minute Uber ride (I literally thought Malibu was a 5 minute drive away), I found myself at the Malibu Pier. I wish I filmed my reaction. The whole pier, and I mean the WHOLE pier was filled with fog.

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Thinking this smog would eventually clear out, I decided to fill my bikini body with some Mexican food – A new obsession I developed while in California. Finding the nearest restaurant – it was literally across the street – I ordered my favourite Mexican dish… Quesadillas!

Feeling stuffer than ever and not giving a damn, I was ready to hit a nearby beach for some sunlight, sand, and to consume those Malibu vibes. Having little knowledge about the Malibu beaches, I basically played Russian roulette with a list of beaches. The winner, El Matador beach.

El Matador

The fog did not clear up. In fact, I’m pretty sure it got worse. I knew I would despise myself if I didn’t at least glance at the beach. So, I gained the confidence (even with my super full stomach) to rip off my outfit and strut down the beach in my cheetah print bikini. Body positivity, no matter what shape, size, colour or ability is everything to me. I wanted to capture a few pictures of myself near the rock formations. They were absolutely breathtaking.


To reflect on my Malibu experience, yes the fog absolutely sucked. But, I wasn’t going to let something so insufficient to ruin my day. The skies weren’t blue, but the views were still as extraordinary as I anticipated. To be given the opportunity to travel to such a naturally beautiful destination was rewarding on its own. Fog, or no fog, I am grateful to have consumed such beauty in Malibu.

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The Memories That Will Ripple Forward

The death of a young person really puts life into perspective.

I’m sitting here in my living room with the lights turned off because I cannot afford to pay expensive hydro bills. The darkness that fills the room leaves me clenching my eyeballs trying to hold back tears. I saw a friend from high school in a casket just a few hours ago. Twenty-One years old, my age, already dead. As a child, I always believed young people were never supposed to die. I think a lot of people still live with that mentality.

We plan our lives and goals assuming we have more time. All my dreams will come true in the future. But what future do we have? As saddest as I sound, life can be snatched from you at any second. Have you lived your life to the fullest? I know I haven’t.

Even in death Simon had the most positive energy illuminating from his casket.

In his Final Testament (a document Simon wrote before he passed), he wrote that he created an immobilization of ideas and memories he wants to ripple forward after he dies. I want the same to be true for my life after I die.

Luckily (and unluckily depending on how you look at it) there is no “countdown clock” ticking away the time we have left on this Earth. I am a big believer that our body is a vessel that holds our soul for a given period of time. But, what I fear the most is being forgotten. I want to positively influence each person I meet while living on Earth. I want my eternal energy to live on in people once my body decomposes.

As I placed my trembling hand on the casket of a fellow friend, I promised him that his uplifting energy and illuminating presence will never die. I will live each one of my days the same way Simon had. I will be kind to every living being that I meet. In my darkest times, I will fight negativity, disease, and failure with a bright smile on my face.

The death of a young person really puts life into perspective. Live out your dreams, your passions, and aspirations while you are alive. Be kind, be positive, and be bright.